Funded Hours for Working Parents
Sunflowers Day Nurseries are offering 15 or 30 hours childcare funding for eligible parents for children aged 9 months+. We are pleased to be able to provide further information of our offering here.
How does it work?
All eligible children from 9 months old in England are entitled to 15 hours of funded nursery education for 38 weeks or stretched for the equivalent number of hours across more weeks per year. This is a universal entitlement for all children and applies until they reach compulsory school age (the term following their fifth birthday).
The Government currently offers 570 funded hours for children aged 9 months old, and up to 1140 funded hours for 3 & 4 year olds. These further additional hours can be made available through 2 conditions:
The parents are ‘eligible’ to receive further funded hours (please refer to our FAQs for more detail on eligibility)
The early years setting is willing to offer the additional hours
Children will qualify for a funded early education place the term after they turn 9 months old. Please note children are not eligible as soon as they turn 9 months.
Please note that the government funded initiative is intended to deliver 15 or 30 hours a week [over 38 weeks] of free, high quality, flexible childcare. It is not intended to cover the cost of meals, other consumables, additional hours or additional services.
Annual Invoice
The funding hours are deducted from your annual fees and the remainder divided over twelve equal payments. You will receive an annual invoice the month before you receive the funding, clearly showing your fees for the following year and showing the breakdown of your hours.
Funded Only
We have a limited number of funded only (term-time only) places. If you would like more information about this please contact us directly: cottingham@sunflowersdaynurseries.com, hessle@sunflowersdaynurseries.com, brough@sunflowersdaynurseries.com.